Travel Family Dream

I had always dreamed about two very specific things for my future; to be a mom and wife. And to see the world. The first two I have done brilliantly over the last 15 years, and now it is time to realize the biggest dream ever; to travel the world as a family!

Mom Shame Cover

Mom-Shaming Because I’m Coping

I've seen mom-shaming happen in so many ridiculous areas that it almost does not shock me anymore. Moms have been mom-shamed because they drink coffee, because they breastfeed/bottlefeed their baby, or even till what age they've done that.…

Budget-friendly Easter Activities

Looking for some fun, cheap, easy, but beautiful activities to do with your kids this Easter? This is the easiest afternoon entertainment you've done this year!

Things I Never Thought I’d Say

Before I was a mom, I would hear parents say these weird, ridiculous things to their children, and quietly laughed, thinking, "I'd never have kids that would do weird stuff like that!" Oh, how naive I was...
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Baby Jane Shop LAUNCH!

Days away from launching this company, Baby Jane Shop, you as probably just as curious about the gorgeous baby products that will stem from this brand!
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Why Body Stress Release is for YOU!

I don't know about you, but my body has certainly been screaming for some stress release. The last few months, I would get debilitating headaches out of nowhere, and at night I my fingers would go numb, pins and needles that would wake me up…
what's weight
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What’s Weight Got To Do With It?

When I got married almost 12 years ago, I weighed 58kgs. Today the scale shows my weight at a good 20kgs more. I have absolutely no problem telling you what I weigh.