Travel Family Dream

I had always dreamed about two very specific things for my future; to be a mom and wife. And to see the world. The first two I have done brilliantly over the last 15 years, and now it is time to realize the biggest dream ever; to travel the world as a family!

family in bed

You know you’re a Parent when…

Parenting is a journey you're never really prepared for. No matter how much you prepare to be said parent. Even now, after being married more than a decade and four kids later, I still wonder what the hell I'm doing, almost on a daily basis. Because the thing about parenting rules is, there aren't any!

Crazy Store Crazy Carnival

We all have that one place - our go-to store - for when we quickly need a gift, kids entertainment in the car, a few kitchen supplies, or even just a pretty frame for your son's Gr. R Graduation photo. Mine is without a doubt The Crazy Store! Crazy…

To the Mom Pregnant with Her Fourth

Just during this last week, I've spoken to two moms expecting their fourth baby. And felt judged. Or overwhelmed. Just like I was. For being pregnant. And I felt the need to write this letter.

Think You’re Too Young For A Stroke?

Think again. For most young people, the chance of having a stroke seems like an impossibility. But stroke rates among young adults appear to be on the rise.
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7 Best Wet Wipes Buy

I'll admit it; I'm a bit of a wet wipe snob. I need the perfect wipe. Every time. Not all wet wipes are equal. I don't like it being too soapy, too wet, too rough. It must not come out in lumps, or tear when I pull one out. But I don't…
woman in water overwhelm

When Overwhelm Becomes Life

I'm going to be real. I started typing the title for this blog "When Life Becomes Overwhelming", and as I typed it, I realised this is not true in my life anymore. Overwhelm has become my new normal. It's my current life. And it's crushing.