I love my birthday. And even more so because my love language is Gifts! So I plan for my next birthday the month after I just had mine. (Ok, I’m not really that bad…) But this year has happened so fast, I have almost forgotten I’m turning a year older in August. I love getting older, don’t get me wrong, but I do miss the fun anticipation of a party and cake. So this year, I decided to create a birthday bucket list.
Real Bucket Lists
Ok, yes I know – real bucket lists are a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime. It’s not the same as a birthday wish list. But why can’t I combine the two?!
I do have an actual bucket list, and these include many things that I want to experience with my family or things that my husband and I should absolutely do before we die! But I also have things that I really want to do and experience as a treat to myself. Like a birthday gift. Only, I am making a plan for myself for the next few birthdays. Does that make sense? Well tough. It does to me!
So in order to make your own birthday bucket list, you have to be a little selfish, not worry about how much it will cost (because it’s something you’re working towards and can save for!), and really dig deep. It can be as silly, or as big as you want. It’s not just a wish-list for one birthday, but almost like a plan for the next few years’ birthdays. Mine might look nothing like yours, and I do believe that might just be the point.
Ok so here goes (in no particular order). My birthday bucket list!
I love food. And I love all things fancy. And when it comes with tea, I’m there! High Tea’s or Afternoon Teas are totally my thing. I loved my 30th Afternoon Tea at The One & Only, and did a Mother’s Day morning high tea at Mount Nelson, and one anniversary my husband spoiled me with one at Cape Grace Hotel. It’s one of my favourite activities ever! I would absolutely love to have a high tea with 10 of my girlfriends and wear high heels and dress and maybe even a hat!
When you see pretty photos of me, I’m usually told what to wear beforehand. I’m totally a jeans and hoodie type of girl. Not that I don’t love pretty blouses and skirts, but when I put them together, it just looks…weird. My style is something between gypsy/fairy look and LA cool. So neither, really.
I would love to spend a day with an image consultant to help me get to know what colours and styles suit me, and show me practical examples of what it’s supposed to look like.
Like I’ve mentioned above, I’m not that good with the buying of new clothes thing. And the few times I’ve shopped with someone else, I’ve come home with items I would never even have looked at, much less actually try on and buy! So for my birthday, (eventually!) I would love to have a professional shopper with me and help me choose clothes that will make me look hip (do people still say that?) as well as dress my age.
Also, can she first help me sort out my closet?
Oh, one of my biggest dreams is to go on a cruise!! To anywhere. To nowhere. I don’t care. 2 days, a week, it doesn’t matter.
I enter every single competition that includes a cruise. One day I’ll win. In the meantime, I’m saving up for a special birthday. It’s on my birthday bucket list to do a friendship cruise with a handful of my closest girlfriends for my 40th birthday. #GirlsTrip! Start saving, girls…
I’ve never been up Table Mountain.
Now, before you start judging me and gasping for air – I did not grow up in South Africa. I’m from Nambia. I climbed most mountains there. It counts. But I’ve never been up Table Mountain. Lucky for me, you get to go up for FREE on your birthday! Unlucky for me, my birthday is slap-bang in the middle of winter and it’s usually a rainy day.
Going up (by cable car, please!) Table Mountain is on my birthday bucket list, and while you’re at it, please add Robben Island to the day, please!
Now this is honestly right on top of my list. Every time my husband and I talk about getting away alone, Kagga Kamma is the place I suggest first. They have created cave suites with a view of the Cederberg Mountains that’s to die for. You have no cellphone reception and they actually have a star-gazing tour at night. It is my absolute perfect getaway.
I don’t even think I need to justify why this is on my birthday bucket list. It’s quite a penny and a half, but might still come before my cruise to nowhere…
I’ve been planning to, and have given this as gifts for other, but still haven’t gotten around to doing it myself. That’s why, on my birthday bucket list, I’ve added “Watch at least one movie at the Galileo Open Air Cinema. ” It’s romantic. It’s feel-good. A must-do activity. They screen older movies outdoors at different locations, and you can even book your blanket in the Snuggle and VIP options!
For (literally) years, I’ve been looking at the Sweetie Box subscription. I have quite the sweet tooth, and having a box filled with random sweet surprises every month is almost the definition of heaven, won’t you agree? But I just haven’t been able to justify it. So I’m adding it to my one-day bucket list for now. But oh, what a sweet, sweet birthday bucket list item!!
If this is not on every mom’s birthday bucket list, I don’t even know where to start…
It would be a dream to do a FULL-DAY spa that included treats and treatments for a full whole day. I’ve only been able to do a half-day once, as I was still breastfeeding and it didn’t work so well for baby or for my boobs. But just imagine not having to do anything but be treated and touched and spoiled for a full day. Is there even anything better?!
HintHunt is the original live escape game. It’s a detective experience where you and your friends can try to solve puzzles, open locks in a fast-paced hour where you will laugh a lot. Now, I’m not a very competitive person. At all. In fact, if I see you becoming competitive, I’ll probably ensure you win. (I’m married to one, so I know better than to play monopoly with him…) I’m a team-work girl, all the way!
But I’m also a huge Nancy Drew fan, and would really love this challenge with some friends (yes, even my husband!) and try to unlock the detective in me. I’m adding this to my birthday bucket list just because I am absolutely still a child at heart…and maybe there is a little competition in me…

The Birthday Countdown…
And now, as August is upon us, I’m officially starting my birthday countdown…and this gives me exactly three weeks to (assist my husband in) planning my 34th birthday!
Are any of these of your birthday bucket list? Any I’m missing and should add?
All my love,
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