5 Ways To Keep Your Child Healthy
Over the last four days, out of our four children, we had three sick littles with one ending up in hospital. And no one saw it coming! What happened to our healthy children?
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Simone contributed 83 entries already.
Over the last four days, out of our four children, we had three sick littles with one ending up in hospital. And no one saw it coming! What happened to our healthy children?
I loved being pregnant. But everything changes once you become a parent. Your sleep is cut in half, you eat in instalments, and you may not know which day of the week it is — and that’s just after you have your first child. (Try 4!)
(Budgeting Tips) If you read my blogs on how I cut my grocery budget in half, your curiosity most probably got the better of you, and you wanted to see if my method can actually help you save as well… I am certain you were just as surprised as I was the first time […]
Do you feel who you are is good enough? Or do you also at times feel you should be doing more, saying more, getting more, giving more, living more…be more? I do. And it can be quite debilitating at times.
We often divide lies into bad lies and little white lies. I guess it helps to soothe our conscious and dishonesty. But no matter the justification for our dishonesty, the truth is: Lies destroy. Period.
We were recently so inspired by The Budget Mom – how she paid off over $25 000 of credit card debt off within 4 months, that we started believing we could too.
(Because Justin Timberlake can only bring sexy back a limited amount of times)
I recently shared an experience I had – a series of events (and perhaps a little bit of hormones!) – that made me to believe that I’m a bad mom. I had a bad, BAD day. OK, perhaps I’m being a bit generous. I had a series of bad days.
I am 33 years old. Mom to four (very loud) children. Stay at home mom with my own business. Married for 11 years. Known my husband for over 15 years. And I am also currently dating.
We often get asked if we were always planning on having four children. Yes and No. They were all planned. Some by us. Some indirectly by us. Some by God. But planned they were.
My name is Simone and I am a mom of four, wife to one, and I blog about the joys and experience of living life as a large family.
It is our (continual) journey of faith. Of learning to raise independent, loved, well-behaved children. Keys we have discovered to a successful marriage. How we manage our finances. Products we love, and work for us, and most importantly; how we shop, save, and budget as a large family.
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