
We constantly giving each other advice on how to be the best parents to our little kids. But have you ever thought about asking them for advice? The thought crossed my mind, and I was curious to know what my children would say if I asked them what they thought great parenting looked like.

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If you haven’t heard about Pretty Jane Shop, you must have been living under a rock. Pretty Jane Shop created some of the most beautiful, feminine and classy line of clothes we have seen. Locally designed and created, Pretty Jane has been around for years and is a proudly South African brand. And now, days away from launching their sister company, Baby Jane Shop, I’m sure you as just as curious about the gorgeous baby products that will stem from this brand.

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Over the last four days, out of our four children, we had three sick littles with one ending up in hospital. And no one saw it coming! What happened to our healthy children?  Read more

I am 33 years old. Mom to four (very loud) children. Stay at home mom with my own business. Married for 11 years. Known my husband for over 15 years. And I am also currently dating. Read more