Wanted to know why I started my blog? Well lemme tell ya! 6 years ago I started my business, MonaLisa Mamas, with my mom and sister. I started blogging on our site as a part time gig every now and then, so I was already bitten by the blog-bug by the time I started my own blog.
I have a keen interest in why people do what they do. (Also the reason I studied psychology!) But I also have a very generous and helping heart. I’m quite the peace-maker and fixer in our family. (Sometimes to my family’s utter frustration!!) And in every job I’ve ever had, my passion has been to help.
I am very passionate about marriages, making a budget stretch, and shaping behaviour. (Years as a Behavioural Therapist might have a little to do with that…) And although these seem to have nothing to do with each other and very diverse interests, I completely see how they melt together in one great big passion. I was still micro-blogging on these topics separately, with a combo in between.

About 2/3 years ago, my husband and I were so inspired by Jordan and her family (blogger at FunCheapOrFree) that we started inplementing their budgeting strategies from her blog. It took us a while to convert them to a South African context, but when we did, we wanted to share this message so bad. We started with our own families and helped most of them save literally half their monthly grocery budget. My parents went from R5500 to R2500 a month, just by applying some of our tips. (Read more here). It not only helped my budget, but also my marriage.
Then about a year ago, a friend asked me to write a post for her new blog on this specific topic. I didn’t think it would be something people would want to read. I mean, how to spend less is quite te opposite of what we naturally want to do, ammarite?
But I started writing, and writing. And writing…. And soon realized I have a lot to say! And the feedback from her blog was remarkable. I didn’t expect it. But my (amazing and supportive!) husband kept on saying this was the push I needed to start my own blog. It all happened within a weekend. And our blog was official.

My purpose with my blog, since before the beginning was to inspire. I am a mom of four, and we have expenses and we have marital issues at times and I also struggle getting my children to behave. But the things I have learned the last 2 decades might be tips of the trade that new moms/wives would like to try instead of treading through the mud like we sometimes had to.
I want to connect woman. I want you to feel inspired AND empowered. To know your worth, and to know you are absolutely more than capable. So if only one thing I say in only one of my blogs make you feel half that, I have accomplished what I have set out to do.
May that always be my why behind the I.
You are so inspiring, I love that starting your blog was never about You. It’s always been about others and it shines through every single post! Love this!!
What an incredibly beautiful thing to say. Thank you!