Every now and then, in life, you are fortunate to cross paths with someone – intentionally or unintentionally – who changes the way you think, live your life, and ultimately, change your life.
Have you even met someone so nice, so helpful and accommodating that you almost can’t believe they can keep this up forever? Meet my friend, Salome. She is sweetness herself. She was born to make any and everyone she meets feel like gold. She is so genuine, and every time you leave her company, you’re wish you could’ve stayed longer.
Everything about her is sweet. She makes you feel at home, even if you only bump into her at the store. Her voice calming, her words refreshing, and her heart focussed outwards. She is truly on of THE most beautiful women I have ever met.

Little Kids
I grew up with this girl, sweet as a button, only a few months older than I was. Our parents were friends before we were born. And we grew up in each others’ homes. Her mom still is like my second mom.
And even a little girl, I looked up at her. She was like a mermaid in my eyes. Everything magical and sweet and like a fairy tale. I so wanted to be like her.

I can still clearly remember one of our (many) pool pretend play play-dates. We would sit on the side of the pool, sometimes with our feet in the water, sometimes out, but always pretending we’re mermaids. In fact, you know we would be singing Ariel’s song at the top of our voices. Waiting for our princes.
Big Kids
Our families moved far away from each other during our high school years and we didn’t get to see each other that often, but when we did, it was almost like we never left. We could always pick up where we left off. And every time I saw her, I remember telling my mom – I just want to be like her one day.
I always said when I get married I want her to do my hair. And this is obviously also the reason she went on to study hair after school (ok, maybe it absolutely had nothing to do with me, but come on, let a girl dream…) and she made me look incredible on my wedding day.
So by now you’re probably thinking, “What a completely random blog…” but there is actually a purpose to this. I was thinking about who in my life has influenced and inspired me. And I can probably write about a teacher, or a famous person I met or would like to meet, or something grandeur like that. Or I can give honor to someone who has touched my life as a little girl, continued to inspire me as I grew through my teenage and young adult life, and who still makes me want to be a better person today.

Salome inspired me as a little girl to dream big, not to care what others think, and to wait for my prince charming. She also taught me to be kind to every one I meet. You never, ever know what goes on behind closed doors. She taught me to not hide my own pain, but to be honest about my struggles, and in the same breath, not accept limitations as the end all and be all. We don’t fail, we learn. And lastly, she inspired me to courageously follow for my dreams.
Today, I am married to my own prince because I waited for the right one, and didn’t settle for less. Aside from this man, she still encourages me and supports me in my crazy dreams. I am a better mom, wife, and business woman because of one friendship that has lasted over 30 years.
And the last time I saw my mom, I told her, “One day when I’m big, I really want to be like Salome.”