Ever just had your kids get out of the bath, washed their hair…and while you’re getting the last one dressed, you hear them playing outside…In the sandpit? It’s those moments we hear our own mother’s words repeat themselves through our own mouths and we just want to shout, “You were clean literally 5 minutes ago!!! Look at you now!!!!” (Ok, maybe my mom added a couple other things to that sentence…)

It is in this time that I repeat to myself the motto I have adapted, “Life is washable. Life is washable.”
I hated having to feel bad, or guilty for playing. For being dirty. For having fun. And it’s really not like my mom was a monster. She was (still is!) incredible. And such a fun and loving mom. But if we just swept the kitchen, don’t come walking through with your muddy feet! She will smack you sideways! It’s just common sense, right?
There is, however, a difference between keeping a clean house/children, and being so OCD about it, that you miss the fun moments, and learning moments.

Next time your son is throwing all his legos out across the floor to see what an ocean of lego looks like (because he’s a shark, obviously), give in. If she is jumping in every muddy puddle from the driveway to the front door, and it brings giggles and super proud looks from her innocent little face, praise her for being so brave! (And just undress her completely in front your house so the clothes and shoes can go straight to the wash!)

And that sand play? I agree, it’s more effort. But in the greater scheme of things, is it really that important? Life is washable. Cleanable. Wipe-able. Nothing is permanent. (Ok, except for permanent markers on your bedding. You’re not getting that shh…tuff out.)
Encourage play. Don’t be so strict. Allow your OCD to take a mini vaycay every now and then. You’ve got this.
PS. Check out the #RawMotherhoodPhotoLoop on Instagram. And be sure to share yours as well!
Thank you for this reminder!
We all need it, from time to time. I’m the first one on that list!