We started planning this event a few weeks ago, and although we were extremely excited, we’ve seen some of the other #InstaMamaMeet across the country, and loved how they brought mamas together. We wanted that. Hoped for that. But what we got what something much more!
This past weekend, my unbelievably amazing team & I hosted one of the most incredible events I’ve ever been to. We were stunned by the response we got when our invite went live, and were completely sold out in four days! It was very hard saying no to people who really wanted to come, but our intention for this meet was intimate and personal, so we kept it small.
I need to let you know how much favour we received in preparation for the #InstaMamaMeet. We had incredible responses from sponsors leading up to the event. Brands that truly went out of their way to spoil our ladies. So many of our gifts were personalized to each guest, or was branded with the #InstaMamaMeet logo/name.
We did not have enough space in our goodie boxes to include all the sponsors’ gifts, and had to add an extra goodie bag per guest to accommodate the generosity of our all these amazing brands. (Please see the complete list at the bottom of the page!)
We arrived early to the #InstaMamaMeet hosted at the hidden gem, The Backyard Cafe, to set it all up in preparation for our guests, and when we saw the completed room with all the goodie boxes, bags and table full of prizes, my eyes were filled with tears. My heart was filled with gratitude. And the day had not even started!
As the bloggers started arriving, it was such an honour getting to know some of these women I had not previously met, but also reconnect with some of the ladies I’ve met before. Some of these bloggers I have known on social media for so long, it was almost weird that we have not met in real life.

First up was the beautiful and oh-so-powerful speaker, Salome’. She is a passionate hairstylist and owner of Brush Salon in Tygerwaterfront, makeup fundi and a wonderfully imperfect mom to three beautiful children. This woman is not without her own struggles and insecurities, but is truly a powerful lioness and has a passion for bringing the inner beauty and strength out in every person she meets.
And this is exactly what she did for us. She inspired our hearts to find the beauty with which we were created. I am sure there was not one dry eye in the room. Our hearts and souls were stirred to look above the storms and the constant doubts of whether we are too much. Or not enough. But to see ourselves as CAPTIVATING.
to attract and hold the attention or interest of, as by beauty or excellence; enchant: capable of attracting and holding interest; charming. alluring, attractive, beguiling, exciting, enthralling, fascinating, irresistible, and mesmeric
I will forever hold this in my heart, and be this lioness we were born to be. Different. But beautiful. Captivating.

Then we were spoiled even more with the ladies from Elixir Fusion! They assisted us in doing a facial with their products. Guys, I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing these products look, smell and feel! And you’ve probably seen everyone’s stories this weekend from the #InstaMamaMeet; even with face masks/product on their faces, I’m sure you can agree they all still looked RADIANT! (You can find our more about Elixer Fusion here.)
I know you’re all dying to see what the day at our Cape Town #InstaMamaMeet actually looked like, so here are some of the incredible moments captured by Mooiste Mooi Photography.
But first a shout-out the the team who made this day possible – Gabi (@Life.and.Lillian) , Nadine (Smallberg Party of Four), and Nicole (Raising K Squared). I was and still am so grateful for social media who brought us together and allowed us to become friends in real life. Then an extra shout-out to the founders of the #InstaMamaMeet in SA – Monique (@being_maddies_mom) and Teri (@choosearow) who started this in Durban, and truly believes in uniting women in motherhood through social media. Thank you for asking us and believing in us to pull this off!

A list of all our wonderful sponsors that went out of their way to spoil us all. Please take a moment to give them a like and a follow, as they are all incredible and are making their mark in South Africa in different ways. You won’t regret it!
- Hugs & Kisses SA (@hugsandkisses.sa)
- Grow Marketing SA (@growmarketingsa) – Includes,
Nature Valley (@naturevalleysa)
Childs Farm (@childsfarmsouthafrica)
Shower to Shower (@showertoshower)
Jordan Kids (#KidsLoveJordan)
Golden Latte Tumeric Tonic (@theturmerictonic)
Creche Guard (@creche_guard)
First Choice Protein Drink (@recoverymilk) - My Eco Sprout (@my_eco_sprout)
- Smudge-It (@richelle.smudgeit)
- Natralogic (@natralogic)
- Tati Tots (@tatitotskids)
- SiliStraw (@silistrawofficial)
- Pretty Mosadi (@pretty_mosadi)
- Naturals Beauty (@naturalsbeauty)
- Husk Ecoluxe (@husk_ecoluxe)
- Pura Soda (@pura_soda)
- Lingerie Letters (@lingerieletterslifestyle)
- Associated Media Publishing (@assocmedia) – Cosmo, House & Leisure, Goodhousekeeping
- Good Gut (@goodgutwaterkefir)
- Bamboo Project (@the_bamboo_project)
- Twistshake (@twistsake_sa)
- Backdrop Shop SA (@flatlayboards_sa)
- Busy Bubs CT (@busybubsct)
- Queen Bee (@queen.bee_ct)
- Tish & Shoo (@tishandshoo)
- Made by Marelie (@madebymarelie)
- NUBY (@Nubysouthafrica)
- Boston Coffee (@bostoncoffeealtydvars)
- Mommy Wellness (@mommywellness)
- SiliStraw (@silistrawofficial)
- Flatlay Board (@flatlayboards_sa)
- Nectar Spice (@nectarspice)
- Elixir Fusion (@elixirfusion)
- Lil Rose (@lillrose.co.za)
- Busy Bubs CT (@busybubsct)
- The Social Row (@the.social.row)
- Propdom Guesthouse (@propdom_guesthouse)
- Brush Salon
- Queen Bee (@queen.bee_ct)
- The Cake Booth (@thecakeboothct)
- Jislaaik (@jiskaaik_shop)
- Curated (@curated_za)
- Ruby & Rose Crochet (@ruby.roseboutique)
- MonaLisa Mamas (@monalisamamas)
* We are already planning the next #InstaMamaMeet and will be giving you details in a little bit. But we look forward to meeting new moms, working with even more brands, and continuing the spoiling!
All my love, (and a heart filled with gratitude!)
What an amazing event!! Well done to all the organisers!! Looks like you guys had a blast!! 🙂 So glad we could have been part of it!
We had such an amazing time, and priviledged to have you part of the day!
Wow this looked like such a fun morning! I was so bleak to miss it, but I’m definitely hoping to make the next one! Xxx
We’d love to have you at the next one!
Hey Simone, I was wondering if you had any contact details for Richelle / Smudge it? Their handle doesn’t seem to exist anymore?
Thank you.
No sorry, I’ve tried looking for an alternative, but unfortunately couldnt find any.