
Since I can remember, I had always dreamed about two very specific things for my future; to be a mom and wife. And to seethe world. The first two I have done brilliantly over the last 15 years, and now it is time to realize the biggest dream ever; to travel the world as a family!

Yes, you read that correctly. My beautiful family and I are about to get on a plane in only a short little while to start this digital nomadic life and live the life we’ve been dreaming about for so long.

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Durban is a laid-back beach city with a true vacation atmosphere. It’s been a hot minute since we were last in Durban, and really can not wait for the opportunity to go back again. Thanks to near-constant good weather in this cool and coastal town, Durban sees tourists in their droves year on year. Expect friendly faces, tons of delectable local food, and of course, terrific beaches. 

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